Know Your Color Formats

Know Your Color Formats

RGB and CMYK are the two most common color modes used in graphic design. While they each have advantages, certain types of projects require specific modes. It is important to understand the differences between RGB and CMYK so you can choose the one that is best for your project.

RGB is an additive color model, while CMYK is subtractive. RGB uses white as a combination of all primary colors and black as the absence of light. CMYK, on the other hand, uses white as the natural color of the print background and black as a combination of colored inks. Designers and printers use the RGB color mode for media that will be viewed on a monitor and CYMK for print materials. CMYK subtracts colors from natural white light and turns them into pigments or dyes. Printers then put these pigments onto paper in tiny cyan, magenta, yellow, and black dots – spread out or close together to create the desired colors.


CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black)
  • Used for print
  • Make up approximately 2 million+ colors when blended


RGB (Red, Green and Blue)
  • Used for the web and monitors
  • Can produce millions of color intensities when blended


Hexidecimal or HEX colors are expressed as a six-digit combination of numbers and letters defined by its mix of red, green, and blue (RGB). Software is needed to convert RGB into Hexidecimal colors.


Do you need help with creating or managing images! Give us a call at 847.541.4626 or send an email to [email protected].

How Animation and Video Can Transform Your Customer Service

How Animation and Video Can Transform Your Customer Service

Many people describe dealing with or working for, customer service as a special place in hell. However, this could very well be because companies are overlooking the ever-evolving design tools. Animation and video are transforming the way businesses are interacting with their customers, from relaying important information to explaining their company’s origin story through animations, to engaging product demo videos. Here, you’ll find the simple ways to transform your customer service through the use of creative tools.

Implement Animated Explainer Videos
Animation and video may not seem like an obvious tool in customer service, but companies are finding that it’s extremely valuable for customers. These 30-90 second videos can explain your company’s product or services in an easily digestible way. They can live on your websites’ landing page or the product page. Animated explainer videos often reduce customer services calls, as they can give information that’s more comprehensive, and engaging than written and often confusing instructions.

Give Customers Tutorial Videos
Tutorial videos help customers learn how to explore your product and use it most efficiently. They’re frequently placed prominently on the product page because when consumers need them, they really need them. They also continue the excitement of the purchase which can create long-term brand loyalty, particularly compared to companies who sell products or services and leave the consumer to fend for themselves. Tutorial videos can be animated, or live-action, but generally utilize creative design features to keep the attention of the customer and allow them to feel supported by the company they’ve patronized.

Product Demo Videos Are the New Tutorial Videos
Yes, these are similar to tutorial videos, but when you put yourself in the position of a customer you see how different they are, and why it’s worth it for companies to create both. When you’re considering a product, almost no one in the world will watch a tutorial video. Potential customers want to watch something that explains why this product is better than its competitors. Demo videos are about showcasing your service or product as the answer to a problem in the consumer’s life, and if you can give that to them in an entertaining manner, it’s almost a guarantee you’ll sell a higher volume of product.

Why Video Is Important
The average adult has an attention span of goldfish, and that’s not hyperbole. Customers last about eight seconds on a website before a new shiny object (generally in the form of a link) catches their eye. Reading long explanations just isn’t sustainable anymore, but videos, particularly ones that utilize animation or humor, can keep them engaged. That, along with creating shareable content can greatly expand your consumer network, build brand awareness, and increase your visitor to buyer ratio. A user won’t purchase if they don’t see what you offer. Video immediately grabs attention so you have the chance to ‘pitch’ them before they are off to the next link.

Companies like Incomar are now specializing in video production and animation design to help businesses innovate. Businesses who opt to work with these companies are seeing results in increased sales and brand recognition. Animated videos can breathe life into your customer service department, accelerate growth, and ultimately help provide better customer satisfaction.